HuggingFace Config Params Explained
- BERT models
- bert-base-uncased
- bert-large-uncased
- bert-base-cased
- bert-large-cased
- bert-base-multilingual-uncased
- bert-base-multilingual-cased
- bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking
- bert-large-cased-whole-word-masking
- bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad
- bert-large-cased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad
- bert-base-cased-finetuned-mrpc
- RoBERTa models
- ALBERT models
- GPT2
- T5
There are four major classes inside HuggingFace library:
- Config class
- Dataset class
- Tokenizer class
- Preprocessor class
The main discuss in here are different Config class parameters for different HuggingFace models. Configuration can help us understand the inner structure of the HuggingFace models.
We will not consider all the models from the library as there are 200.000+ models.
Some interesting models worth mentioning based on a variety of config parameters are discussed here and in particular config params of those models.
BERT models
Sets the config parameters for famous BERT models. Here is a review that can help us understand the BERT model better.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 768 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 3072 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 12 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 30522 |
To explain max_position_embeddings which is actually a limitation I created for the example. You cannot have more than 512 embedded tokens, meaning your input is limited.
from transformers import BertModel, BertTokenizer
import torch
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
model = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
input_ids = torch.tensor(tokenizer.encode("Hello "*511, add_special_tokens=True)).unsqueeze(0) # bs = 1
# print(input_ids)
o1,o2 = model(input_ids)
print(o1.shape, o2.shape)
"Hello "*510
would work, but "Hello "*511
throws the error:
Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length for this model (511 > 512). Running this sequence through the model will result in indexing errors.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 16 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 30522 |
bert-large-uncased has the same vocab_size as the bert-base-uncased, but hidden_size is bigger and equal to 1024. Hidden size by num of attention heads should be 64.
attention_head_size = int(hidden_size / num_attention_heads)
# 64 = 1024 / 16
In the previous case of bert-base-uncased we had the same attention_head_size:
attention_head_size = int(hidden_size / num_attention_heads)
# 64 = 768 / 12
A tip on the attention heads. Each head is capable of learning independent features. For instance head H1 can learn features f11, f12, and f13. Head H2 can learn some other features f21, f22, f23, and so on.
Ideally the more heads you have the more language features you can learn. However, there are some papers like Lottery ticket trying to neglect that, saying you can remove most of the heads and you will still have a good model. There are some other papers like Albert saying to share the parameters among heads is smart and memory efficient.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 768 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 3072 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 12 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 28996 |
bert-base-cased is pretty much the same as bert-base-uncased except the vocab size is even smaller. The vocab size directly impacts the model size in MB. Bigger vocab_size bigger the model in MB. Usually the case is that cased models do have bigger vocab_size but here this is not true.
Tokens “We” and “we” are considered to be different for the cased model.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“directionality” | “bidi” |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 16 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“pooler_fc_size” | 768 |
“pooler_num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“pooler_num_fc_layers” | 3 |
“pooler_size_per_head” | 128 |
“pooler_type” | “first_token_transform” |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 28996 |
Again the major difference between the base vs. large models is the hidden_size 768 vs. 1024, and intermediate_size is 3072 vs. 4096.
BERT has 2 x FFNN inside each encoder layer, for each layer, for each position (max_position_embeddings), for every head, and the size of first FFNN is: (intermediate_size X hidden_size). This is the hidden layer also called the intermediate layer.
There is a second FFNN of size (hidden_size X intermediate_size). This is the output layer.
Two thirds of all BERT parameters goes to the non attention FFNNs, and one third is for the attention FFNN (query, key and value linear layers).
(self): BertSelfAttention(
(query): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
(key): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
(value): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
(dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
On the other side bert-large-cased is very similar to bert-large-uncased, but it has the smaller vocab_size. I think the main reason for smaller vocab size is memory, as smaller vocab size in the end will take less memory compared to the bigger vocab size everything else equal.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“directionality” | “bidi” |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 768 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 3072 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 12 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“pooler_fc_size” | 768 |
“pooler_num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“pooler_num_fc_layers” | 3 |
“pooler_size_per_head” | 128 |
“pooler_type” | “first_token_transform” |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 105879 |
Now we have three times bigger vocab size with bert-base-multilingual-uncased compared to bert-large-cased. This seems to be a good choice since the model covers 100+ languages.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“directionality” | “bidi” |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 768 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 3072 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 12 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“pooler_fc_size” | 768 |
“pooler_num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“pooler_num_fc_layers” | 3 |
“pooler_size_per_head” | 128 |
“pooler_type” | “first_token_transform” |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 119547 |
This is a very big model it has bigger vocab_size compared to bert-base-multilingual-uncased.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 16 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 30522 |
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“directionality” | “bidi” |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 16 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“pooler_fc_size” | 768 |
“pooler_num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“pooler_num_fc_layers” | 3 |
“pooler_size_per_head” | 128 |
“pooler_type” | “first_token_transform” |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 28996 |
Whenever we see finetuned-squad this means this model is prepared for question answering tasks.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12, |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 16 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 30522 |
Model has been fine tuned on SQUAD. The BERT has been trained on MLM and NSP tasks. These training activities should help BERT learn the grammar and semantics respectively. The two training tasks used different heads, and after the original training, the BERT has been fine tuned on SQUAD. This third task should be the fastest.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“directionality” | “bidi” |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 16 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“pooler_fc_size” | 768 |
“pooler_num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“pooler_num_fc_layers” | 3 |
“pooler_size_per_head” | 128 |
“pooler_type” | “first_token_transform” |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 28996 |
MRPC is a mark this model can be used for sequence classification.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 768 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 3072 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “bert” |
“num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 12 |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 28996 |
RoBERTa models
RoBERTa is a modified BERT model trained on 10 times more text. RoBERTa is very similar to BERT.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“bos_token_id” | 0 |
“eos_token_id” | 2 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 768 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 3072 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-05 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 514 |
“model_type” | “roberta” |
“num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 12 |
“pad_token_id” | 1 |
“type_vocab_size” | 1 |
“vocab_size” | 50265 |
Here is one neat trick to explain what does it actually mean the hidden_size and why it is used for. We are using the roberta-base.
import torch
from transformers import RobertaModel, RobertaTokenizer
model = RobertaModel.from_pretrained("roberta-base")
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained('roberta-base')
input_ids = torch.tensor(tokenizer.encode("Hello ", add_special_tokens=True)).unsqueeze(0) # bs = 1
print(input_ids) # tensor([[ 0, 20920, 2]])
o1,o2 = model(input_ids)
o1.shape, o2.shape
(torch.Size([1, 3, 768]), torch.Size([1, 768]))
In here the hidden_size is 768, as config param. Also bos_token_id and eos_token_id are actually present inside the config file.
Before passing it to RobertaModel we prepare input_ids with the add_special_tokens=True the input and we add bos_token and eos_token at the beginning and at the end in that order.
print(input_ids) # tensor([[ 0, 20920, 2]])
We have <s>Hello</s> because RoBERTa uses <s> and </s> special tokens.
BERT uses [CLS] and [SEP] as starting token and separator token respectively that correspond to the RoBERTa tokens we mentioned. Note that RoBERTa also can have a separate classification token, but it is usually equivalent to the bos token (<s>).
Now if you give above sentence to RobertaModel you will get two 768 dimension embeddings for each token in the given sentence.
The sequence output will have dimension [1, 3, 768] since there are 3 tokens including [BOS] and [EOS]. This is the last hidden state.
There is also the pooled output ( [1, 1, 768] ) which is the embedding of [BOS] token.
- use pooled output for sentence classification.
- use sequence output for detecting text similarity for instance.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“bos_token_id” | 0 |
“eos_token_id” | 2 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-05 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 514 |
“model_type” | “roberta” |
“num_attention_heads” | 16 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“pad_token_id” | 1 |
“type_vocab_size” | 1 |
“vocab_size” | 50265 |
In here note the vocab_size for RoBERTa (roberta-base and roberta-large) is ~ 50K while for BERT is ~ 30K. Of course, it depends on a model, different models can have arbitrary vocab sizes.
This model is finetuned for sequence classification. See. RobertaForSequenceClassification.
MNLI means Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference Corpus. This is one of nine GLUE tasks.
The other GLUE tasks are:
- CoLAThe Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability (ss)
- SST-2The Stanford Sentiment Treebank (ss)
- MRPCThe Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus (sim)
- QQPThe Quora Question Pairs (sim)
- STS-BThe Semantic Textual Similarity Benchmark (sim)
- MNLIThe Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference Corpus (inf)
- QNLIThe Stanford Question Answering Dataset (inf)
- RTEThe Recognizing Textual Entailment (inf)
- WNLIThe Winograd Schema Challenge (inf)
ss: single sentence tasks, sim: similarity tasks, inf: inference tasks
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“bos_token_id” | 0 |
“eos_token_id” | 2 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-05 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 514 |
“model_type” | “roberta” |
“num_attention_heads” | 16 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“pad_token_id” | 1 |
“type_vocab_size” | 1 |
“vocab_size” | 50265 |
Distilled models are using some tricks to downsize the number of parameters and at the same time keep the original model quality the best they can.
Even though some accuracy will be lost, the model size will be 3x smaller.
This particular model is used for masked language modeling (predicting the missing word) that may fix the grammar errors for instance.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“bos_token_id” | 0 |
“eos_token_id” | 2 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 768 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 3072 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-05 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 514 |
“model_type” | “roberta” |
“num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 6 |
“pad_token_id” | 1 |
“type_vocab_size” | 1 |
“vocab_size” | 50265 |
The following two models are used for sequence classification RobertaForSequenceClassification
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“bos_token_id” | 0 |
“eos_token_id” | 2 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_pro” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 768 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 3072 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-05 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 514 |
“model_type” | “roberta” |
“num_attention_heads” | 12 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 12 |
“output_past” | true |
“pad_token_id” | 1 |
“type_vocab_size” | 1 |
“vocab_size” | 50265 |
As you can see RoBERTa has almost all the same parameters as BERT.
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“bos_token_id” | 0 |
“eos_token_id” | 2 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-05 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 514 |
“model_type” | “roberta” |
“num_attention_heads” | 16 |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“output_past” | true |
“pad_token_id” | 1 |
“type_vocab_size” | 1 |
“vocab_size” | 50265 |
ALBERT models
ALBERT is A Lite BERT! Project by Google and Toyota. It brings the new param num_hidden_groups that is set to 1.
With num_hidden_groups equal to the number of heads we will have BERT again.
param | value |
attention_probs_dropout_prob | 0.1 |
bos_token_id | 2 |
classifier_dropout_prob | 0.1 |
down_scale_factor | 1 |
embedding_size | 128 |
eos_token_id | 3 |
gap_size | 0 |
hidden_act | “gelu” |
hidden_dropout_prob | 0.1 |
hidden_size | 768 |
initializer_range | 0.02 |
inner_group_num | 1 |
intermediate_size | 3072 |
layer_norm_eps | 1e-12 |
max_position_embeddings | 512 |
model_type | “albert” |
net_structure_type | 0 |
num_attention_heads | 12 |
num_hidden_groups | 1 |
num_hidden_layers | 12 |
num_memory_blocks | 0 |
pad_token_id | 0 |
type_vocab_size | 2 |
vocab_size | 30000 |
This model will need just ~70MB to load even though it has num_attention_heads=16. Compared to BERT this is 10x less memory. Specifically applicable for handheld devices, cars and household devices.
import torch
from transformers import AlbertModel, AlbertTokenizer
model = AlbertModel.from_pretrained("albert-large-v1")
tokenizer = AlbertTokenizer.from_pretrained('albert-large-v1')
input_ids = torch.tensor(tokenizer.encode("Hello ", add_special_tokens=False)).unsqueeze(0) # bs = 1
param | value |
“attention_probs_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“bos_token_id” | 2 |
“classifier_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“down_scale_factor” | 1 |
“embedding_size” | 128 |
“eos_token_id” | 3 |
“gap_size” | 0 |
“hidden_act” | “gelu” |
“hidden_dropout_prob” | 0.1 |
“hidden_size” | 1024, |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“inner_group_num” | 1 |
“intermediate_size” | 4096 |
“layer_norm_eps” | 1e-12 |
“max_position_embeddings” | 512 |
“model_type” | “albert”, |
“net_structure_type” | 0, |
“num_attention_heads” | 16, |
“num_hidden_groups” | 1, |
“num_hidden_layers” | 24 |
“num_memory_blocks” | 0 |
“pad_token_id” | 0, |
“type_vocab_size” | 2 |
“vocab_size” | 30000 |
Again the major difference between the base vs. large models is the hidden_size 768 vs. 1024, and intermediate_size is 3072 vs. 4096.
Applicable for both BartForMaskedLM and BartForSequenceClassification tasks.
BART is combining the power of BERT and GPT. To train BART several tricks are used:
- MLM (Masking LM) like BERT, random tokens are sampled and replaced with [MASK] tokens.
- TD (Token Deletion) where random tokens are deleted from the input. The model then must decide which positions are missing inputs.
- TI (Text Infilling) where several text spans are sampled and replaced with a single [MASK] token (can be 0 lengths).
- SP (Sentence Permutation) where a document is divided into sentences based on full stops. Sentences are shuffled in random order.
- DR (Document Rotation) where the token is chosen uniformly at random, and the document is rotated so that it begins with that token and then the model has been trained to identify the start of the document.
param | value |
“_num_labels” | 3 |
“activation_dropout” | 0.0 |
“activation_function” | “gelu” |
“add_final_layer_norm” | false |
“attention_dropout” | 0.0 |
“bos_token_id” | 0 |
“classif_dropout” | 0.0 |
“d_model” | 1024 |
“decoder_attention_heads” | 16 |
“decoder_ffn_dim” | 4096 |
“decoder_layerdrop” | 0.0 |
“decoder_layers” | 12 |
“decoder_start_token_id” | 2 |
“dropout” | 0.1 |
“encoder_attention_heads” | 16 |
“encoder_ffn_dim” | 4096 |
“encoder_layerdrop” | 0.0 |
“encoder_layers” | 12 |
“eos_token_id” | 2 |
“init_std” | 0.02 |
“is_encoder_decoder” | true |
“max_position_embeddings” | 1024 |
“model_type” | “bart” |
“normalize_before” | false |
“num_hidden_layers” | 12 |
“output_past” | false |
“pad_token_id” | 1 |
“prefix” | ” “ |
“scale_embedding” | false |
“vocab_size” | 50265 |
There are more powerful gpt2 models but this one is the smallest.
param | value |
“activation_function” | “gelu_new” |
“attn_pdrop” | 0.1 |
“bos_token_id” | 50256 |
“embd_pdrop” | 0.1 |
“eos_token_id” | 50256 |
“initializer_range” | 0.02 |
“layer_norm_epsilon” | 1e-05 |
“model_type” | “gpt2” |
“n_ctx” | 1024 |
“n_embd” | 768 |
“n_head” | 12 |
“n_layer” | 12 |
“n_positions” | 1024 |
“resid_pdrop” | 0.1 |
“summary_activation” | null |
“summary_first_dropout” | 0.1 |
“summary_proj_to_labels” | true |
“summary_type” | “cls_index” |
“summary_use_proj” | true |
“vocab_size” | 50257 |
The meaning of the most important params are:
n_positions e.g., 512 or 1024 or 2048 is what correspond to BERT max_position_embeddings.
- n_ctx dimension of the causal mask (usually same as n_positions)
- n_embd dim of embeddings and hidden state (BERT have these but these have different values, while GPT-2 values are the same).
- n_layer number of hidden layers in the Transformer encoder.
- n_head number of heads
Used for several tasks (multitask model)
param | value |
“d_ff” | 2048 |
“d_kv” | 64 |
“d_model” | 512 |
“decoder_start_token_id” | 0 |
“dropout_rate” | 0.1 |
“eos_token_id” | 1 |
“initializer_factor” | 1.0 |
“is_encoder_decoder” | true |
“layer_norm_epsilon” | 1e-06 |
“model_type” | “t5” |
“n_positions” | 512 |
“num_heads” | 8 |
“num_layers” | 6 |
“output_past” | true |
“pad_token_id” | 0 |
“relative_attention_num_buckets” | 32 |
“vocab_size” | 32128 |
- d_model is size of the encoder layers and the pooler layer it is the same was hidden_size in BERT
- d_ff is hidden layer size of the FNN (Feed Forward Network)
- d_kv is self.hidden_size // self.num_attention_heads, the same as attention_head_size in BERT